Location Inf.: Mobmassa 

General inf. Hotels 
General information
Nairobi was founded in 1899 and is situated only one degree south of the equator. The Massai used to call this place "Enkare nyrobi" - Cold Water.  
Nairobi was at that time a head quarter while they were building the railroad between Mombassa and Kisumu. 
1907 it became the administrative head quarters of the "British East Africa". The British loved the agreeable climate in Kenya an this is no wonder because  even during the "cold" dry period between May and October the temperature stays at app. 25° C and rarely drops below 21° C. 
Kenyas beaches are white and the water has a beautiful blue/greenish color. The best conditions to shoot bathingsuits or beachwear.
Useful information about Kenya
Inhabitants: 25,1 mio 
Area: 582.646 SqKm 
Language: Suaheli, English 
Currency: 1 Kenya Shilling = 100 Cents 
Religion: 37% Protestants, 22% Catholic, 6% Muslims 
Capital: Nairobi 
Power: 240 Volt 

Hotel Inter- 
34 Victoria Road 
Bantry Bay, Cape Town 8001 
Phone: 21-4396170 